Temple B’nai Torah, Bellevue, WA – November 7, 2012 PM

by George J Elbaum

Temple B’nai Torah’s (TBT) Adult Education Program includes the Jewish Perspectives Lecture Series, and my talk there was part of that series.  Since my goal at these events is to educate and to “make a difference”, I usually speak to student audiences because they are still open to new information and ideas while the minds of most adults are already set, especially on politically, culturally, or religiously sensitive subjects.  Regarding the Holocaust, my personal experience with adults is that this mindset is equally strong at both extremes, ranging from those who know it well because they experienced it first hand  to its deniers who even try to convince the survivors that it didn’t happen.  At this TBT event the audience of about two dozen included some Holocaust survivors and/or their children or close friends.  After my talk I was approached by several of them who showed deep emotion about it even in our brief conversations.

I was invited to talk at TBT by my good friend and member of the congregation, Richard Gumpert, and the event was organized by Shelly Goldman, the Chair of TBT’s Adult Education Committee.

Richard Gumpert introduces

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